tekuno.lounge is…

  • a monthly blog for art, jazz, urban ecology, and existential musings;

  • the lo-fi companion to Tekuno the tea company


i’m catherine—founder of Tekuno, a small company that sources uniquely expressive Japanese teas directly from independent, family-owned, and multi-generational producers.

this newsletter intends to be an extension of Tekuno, covering topics of similar ethos in a colloquial way (including, but not exhaustively: design, music, analog living, living by the seasons, and urban ecology). think of this as the conversational low-fi companion to our Tekuno teas and a semi-ephemeral testing ground to try on new hats to see if they fit.

how to subscribe

note: paid subscriptions are currently paused.

i occasionally share public posts that you can access by being a free subscriber.

our paid subscribers support my research for this ongoing project. by becoming a paid subscriber, you’ll receive full access to this newsletter and archive. you’ll also have access to subscriber-only content.

this newsletter also offers a Founding Membership, which, along with the aforementioned paid features, grants you a spot on Tekuno’s Patrons page.

how often do you publish?

i aim to publish every 4 weeks. my focus is quality writing and useful topics, so scheduling may vary slightly.

other works

outside of writing, i design print media and considered packaging with a focus on sustainability. you can also visit my tea company for nuanced, sensorial, directly sourced japanese teas and matcha.

say hello

please send me a message on the ether! at hello@teawithtekuno.com.

Subscribe to tekuno.lounge

art, jazz, urban ecology, existential musings. the lo-fi companion to teawithtekuno.com


writer & tea brewer @ teawithtekuno.com